Friday, June 25, 2010

cintailah aku sepenuh hati

Di dalam hatimu
T’lah aku temukan
Arti kebahagian
Bersama dirimu
Aku merasa berarti

Sanggupkah dirimu
Untuk bertahan
Hingga waktu tak berjalan

Walau bintangku tak terang

Cintailah aku sepenuh hati
Sesungguhnya aku
Tak ingin kau pergi
Takkan mampu ku hadapi dunia ini

Betapa hidupku takkan pernah sama
Bila kau tinggalkan ku
Tetaplah disini saling memiliki

Tiada arti semua bila kau pergi

Genggamlah tangganku dan peluklah diriku
Saatku jatuh nanti menangis sepi

Cintailah aku sepenuh hati
Sesungguhnya aku
Tak ingin kau pergi
Cintailah aku sepenuh hati
Tak ingin kau pergi
Takkan mampu ku hadapi dunia ini
Tiada arti semua bila kau pergi

Thursday, June 24, 2010

LAST DAY ...... Akmal, Mai, Kiki

duhai kwn2 andai kamu terbace blog ini
sukacite ingin saya ucapkan tahniah
and Good luck
Wish u 'ol the best
kdg2 hidup ne perlukan pengorbanan
we need to grab sumthing by losing sumthing
we cant juz have all tht we want
juz to say
aku bangga sgt dpt kwn2 cm korang
dn aku sayang korang


so aku harap hubungan ne x berakhir disini
keep da memories tight to u

a movie to watch

last weekend i did watch "The A-Team"
the story mmg best yg x best cume budak2 kampung yg x de adab
yg bodoh n selfish
cr keselesaan sendiri without thingking others
ok memula tu bole la aku bersabar sbb die juz 'tendang2 manja' je kt kerusi aku tu tp mana leh tahan 2 jm lebih die dok menendang kerusi aku tu mcm hampeh ... ok bile aku dh di ihat sgt x selesa oleh si Dia dn si dia pn x seelsa ngn org belakang yg bodoh dn mcm x taw ethic msk panggung ...
die pn mtk kunci keta spya die boleh gores dn menang kt kaki mereka yg mcm br kuar dr hutan tu ...
ok bile nmpk kami keluar 'snjata'
they oll stop
tp x smpai seminit sekali lg kpala aku kene penyepak kaki die
ok so aku igt jap lagi aku bgn nk sound si bodoh dua ekor ne
ok selepas 2 jm lebih sensara dlm wayang tu dgn setan2 bodoh dibelakang aku
cte pn abez
so aku pn bgn toleh belakang n start susun ayat dalam pae

WTF? she is wearing tudung n sangat ayu ...
so i like mcm tergamam
so kirenye btl kate org
"dont judge a book by looking its cover"

bg aku bia org nmpk kite ganas tp dalam sgt lembut dr org nmpk kite lembut
tp perangai nauzubillah

Thursday, June 17, 2010

i did watch karate kid .....
it is awesome
plus i started to fall in love with
jAdEn SmItH
betul kata orang he is like his father ...
combination between them
jaden smith and jackie chan
seriously menjadi
dan saya sgt kagum
for me cite me mmg BeSt
and pandai the producer
to enter China market he try to combine the story
between two country


Monday, June 14, 2010

why it is difficult to get what we want?

keje oh keje!!!!!!
huhu sangat sedey rs cm nk putus asa je becoz of payah sangat nk dpt keje la ne
i mean keje yg aku nk
bukan keje yg tangkap muat
ok org kate based on experience
tp if experience kt kat sector len cm ne nk dpt ape yg kite nak

need help plzzzz
sy dh demotivate ...
tolong la saya

Sunday, June 13, 2010

long distance relationship : success or fail?

Long Distance Relationship .... how to make it success and how can it be categorize as failed?As I know one of the important elements of any long distance relationship or not, is communication. And since the two of couple won’t be seeing each other every week or every day anymore, the two of them have to focus on finding ways on how they can communicate better. The hard things in long distance is that they will meet other people who might catch our attention and all, but if they have the right amount of respect to themselves, then distance won’t be a problem to keep their relationship. Another long distance relationships tips are honesty and compromise. Firstly, honesty is indispensable in any relationship. If you can’t tell your significant other straight on about how you feel, then solving a problem or issue will be doubly difficult, considering the fact that you can’t really whoosh to his/her place to patch things up, right? In a relationship like this, nothing beats an honest to goodness conversation. Compromise comes in when you have to be willing to sacrifice one thing and vice-versa to make the relationship work. It’s all part of the uniquely difficult long distance commitment. while surving the internet i did found sumthing that saying about women and men ... so here i share with you ol ....

"For males, conversation is the way you negotiate your status in the group and keep people from pushing you around; you use talk to preserve your independence. Females, on the other hand, use conversation to negotiate closeness and intimacy; talk is the essence of intimacy, so being best friends means sitting and talking. For boys, activities, doing things together, are central. Just sitting and talking is not an essential part of friendship. They're friends with the boys they do things with."

"Women want men to do what we want. We want them to want to do what we want, because that's what we do. If a woman perceives that something she's doing is really hurting a man, she wants to stop doing it. If she perceives that he really wants her to do something, she wants to do it. She thinks that that's love and he should feel the same way about her. But men have a gut-level resistance to doing what they're told, to doing what someone expects them to do. It's the opposite response of what women have." She reminds readers that, of course, there are men who are very helpful toward their women. "But if a man is going to be touchy, it's more likely to go in that direction. Whereas if a woman is insecure, she's more likely to go in the other direction, [and] be super- accommodating."

So for me either it is a long distance or not it still da same ... tthing that u need to put in ur relationship is communication, trust, and honesty ....

Friday, June 11, 2010

....... starting to confuse ......

ok sekarang sy dh started to be confuse
bnyk sgt dh review catalog n tgk gmbr kawen
so terasa cm nk buat kenduri
30hari tanpa henti
supaya semua tema dn baju yg sy suke dpt sy gayakn

bole ke en. zahari?
ok here are few things yg sy suke ddn buat sy fening
tp sy x taw if en terchinta sy pn suke
sbb saYa BeLum tAnyA

ok bj pengantin tuk nikah mmg akan pakai tutup mulut tu
bkn tiru sape2 tp sy sgt suke
n wanenye is puteh yellow
bt for kawen biasa je tp menaraik dn nmpk mewah
walaupn sbnrnye tidak
ne some design

ne pulak kad jemputan nk yg org leh ingat
bia bukan formal or kebudak2kn
tp yg akn ramai org ingat ...
murah tp nmpk exclusive
ne few design yg agak unik dn chantek

ok lastly sy punye pelamin
tetap exclusive tp affordable

paling suke yg 1st ne tp yg dalam kotak kecil tu ...

Friday, June 4, 2010

lAgEnda bUdaK SetaN

b4 tengok cte ne aku teruja sgt bt after tgk aku rs cm cte ne
x sama lANgsuNg dengan yg peah aku bce
tp x taw la if aku dh terlupe ...
ye la ghasenye dh ada lebih 2 taun yg leps aku bce
hehe ...
tp selalunye cte best x kn aku lupe
so seebbagai solusionnye aku pn tmpah la
kt popular
asking them to find for me tht book
coz lu ms aku bce aku meminjam je
ms tu student kn
sengkek lol ....

tp papepn aku llliiiikkkkeeee

Thursday, June 3, 2010

.... iM eNgAge tO eN. moHd ZahAri b. KasSiM ....

i hope its not to late for me to share my e-day .....
its been a very memorable day, ghase cm nk ulang tayang je ... bole x nk bertunang ngan org yg sama sekali lg ... kali ne nk pick baju baby blue plak ...
n' nk mini pelamin yg lagi adorable n make up yg lagi buat sy nmpk naturally cHanTek ...

x de la menyesal tp gHase tErkiLaN cKit sBb ghAsE cM kNe tiPu ....

So to OtheRs yg Nk TunANg PlaN bTul2 ....
JgN lAst MinS liKe Me ....

Bt PapE pn I liKeeeeeEE....

hantaran made by my "bushuk" .... jUz foR Me

hand made hantaran
buah, perfume, manisan, bunga rampai by me
sireh by atok;kaklong
sejadah by atok
sngkar ayan by ucu;kaklong;ma

and thiz is my miNi pElaMin And sTaEeS to go to mY roOm

of B4 teRlupE ......
thNx to All My fWen yG dAtaNg .....
AkU sAyaNg koRanG
sEmoga perSahaBataN inI kEkaL sElamaNYa

...... thnx korang .....

i LaP u 'ol

and a big thnx to my fmly ....
to abang and sista ajan yg smpai sakit pingang basuh periuk
to ba and ma yg penat to make thiz ceremony become very memorable
to ucu's famly , pokde's fmly, mak long's famly, angah's famly, paklong's famly, ayah itam and mak itam, others that i forget to mention
jap2 to my adk2, afiq, adib, arif and 'demok


saya SayAng kaMu sEmUA

oso to famly belah sayang .... thnx for coming ... and luangkan masa
to attend thiz ceremony ...
walaupun sbnrnye u 'ol tersangat bz...


.... i'm Back ....
.... its bEeN a LOng timE ....
.... A lot OF storY mORy to tELl ....
.... khikhiKHi ....