Monday, August 23, 2010

He's my soulmate

This is few sign that he is your soulmate .... and he is criuzly my soulmate ... coz he have olmost all ... luv u yang ... xoxoxo

14. You argue and fight with them, but still can't get them out of your mind..

13. When you're on the phone with them late at night and they hang up but you
miss them already when it was just five minutes ago...

12. You read their
texts over and over again...

11. You walk really slow when you're with them...

10. You
feel shy whenever you're with them...

9. When you think about them, your
heart beats faster and faster...

8. You
smile when you hear their voice...

7. When you
look at them, you can't see the other people around you... all you see is him/her...

6. You start listening to slow songs, while thinking of them...

5. They
become all you think about...

4. You get
high just from their scent and closeness...

3. You realize that you're always
smiling to yourself when you think about them...

2. You
would do anything for them...

1. While reading this, there
was one person on your mind the whole time.... *yes and that is mr Mr Zahari Kassim*

# counting for that day .......

Monday, August 16, 2010


thiz morning i were selected to be the MC for the launching of
so its not that wat im going to tell
it is about cm mana smbutan yg diberi oleh segolongan kaum
yg peliknye kaum die yg lain sibuk nk jatuhkan melayu sbgai pemerintah
tp lain pulak kt scol yg mana mereka terlalu mengkagumi negara jiran
even x hormat langsung lagu Negaraku
ok thiz is da story ...
ada pentomen kt scol so dieorg buat lagu jalur gemilang n merdeka
so masa lagu merdeka da mc (which is me)
have forgot to tell them to stand up
so thz 1 ckgu stand up follow by others kecuali sorang ckgu ne ...
yg x nk bgn n duduk siap ckp
"budak x bangun kenapa kita nk bangun?"
ko kn contoh ko la bgn lu
then bile tgk ckgu2 bgn br la bdk melayu n india bgn yg tinggal tu bole duduk ...
mcm b*** x taw nk hormat ...
tu pn lpz diarahkan tu bgn
bontot ko berat sgt ke
bnyk sgt cacing pita dlm badan ....
ne la semangat yg bmakin pudar ...
dh la nk ajar pn makin susah ...
hai bdk2 sekarang ....

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Thnx sayang .... xoxoxo

hujung minggu lepas en. tunang ngn sy g jenjalan ... we went to Genting ..
criuzly we have fun walaupn ms tu aku bnyk buat perangai gedix aku tu
hehheh sorry sayang ..

so nk dijadikan cite lepas penat2 men ol the mainan kteorg dok makan
n suddently die mtk i check his eyes ...
ok aku tengah makan time tu
tp permintaan en tunangkn ..
lg pn aku x imagine akn jd seteruk ne ...
so aku pn raba2 mata die
n die ckp mata die makin jd x selesa ...
so sbb aku mengada2 aku pn buat2 x layan die
sbb aku nk die layan aku

ye aku taw aku mengada2 n gedix ..
so smpai dh balik pn die mengadu x selesa ngn mata die
tp aku malas je nk layan
tp aku dengar la risau gak
tp ego x moh tunjuk

so esok pg die mtk aku teman die pg clinic mata
kami pn pegi la

"ada nanah bawah kelopak mata awak, kami akan keluarkan nanah tu"
thts wat da doc said n ms tu gak die wat minor operation
to en tunang
so ms tu aku jd saksi die kuarkn nanah yg agak bessar bg satu mata yg chantek
so die ckp nanah tu dr abuk
abuk yg berpunca dr tangan aku yg kotor waktu usik mata die
aku yg jahat
so terpaksa la en. tunang dicutikan sampai monday
kesian en. tunang
nk drive pn x bole
"ne pengorbanan i , x ksh ape pn jd jnji u happy n bahagia"
tu ayat die after i said sorry too many time *bersalah gilex*
yes sayang i noe syg u x kn mampu i balas sampai bile2
thnx to Allah coz lend me His little angle .... that is En. Mohd. Zahari b. Kassim

~few minutes after da minor operation~
ms ne masih dlam bius msh x merengek kesakitan

~ after 1 day ~
selepas sekali lagi saya merengek tuk diteman ke pcfair *x pegi pn*
he tried to bukak mata n bw keta
kejamnya sy
*spnjg jalan mengadu x selesa dgn mata n need to bw keta*
ow sy x nk bw keta sy kn mgada2 ... khikhi


Sunday, August 1, 2010

..... juz for you .....

Everybody needs inspiration,
Everbody needs a song.
A beautiful melody,
When the night's so long.
Cause there is no guarantee,
That this life is easy.

Yeah when my world is falling apart.
When there's no light to break up the dark,
That's when I, I, I look at you.
When the waves are flooding the shore,
and I can't find my way home anymore.
That's when I, I, I look at you.

When I look at you,
I see forgiveness,
I see the truth.
You love me for who I am,
Like the stars hold the moon,
Right there where they belong.
and I know im not alone.

Yeah when my world is falling apart,
When there's no light to break up the dark,
That's when I, I, I look at you.
When the waves are flooding the shore,
and I can't find my way home anymore,
That's when I, I, I look at you.

You, appear just like a dream to me.
Just like kaleidoscope colors,
That cover me,
All I need,
Every breath that I breathe,
Don't you know you're beautiful!


When the waves are flooding the shore,
and I can't find my way home anymore,
That's when I, I, I look at you.
I look at you, Yeah, Woah.

You, appear just like a dream to me.